Let’s talk about the NDIS!
National Disability Insurance Scheme.


What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded program designed to provide support and assistance to Australians with a disability. The NDIS helps people with disabilities access the services and supports they need to live independent life. It also provides funding for NDIS providers, which are organizations that help people with disabilities access the services and supports they need.

The NDIS a new way of assisting with a disability was established in 2013. The aim is to support their need, achieve their human rights, and participate in the social and economic life of the nation.

The NDIS’ central objective is for people with disability to achieve their life goals.

It is an insurance scheme that recognizes that investing in people with disability early improves individual and societal outcomes later in life. The main component of the NDIS is individualized packages of support to eligible people with a disability. It is funded by all Australians and when rolled out by 2020 it is expected to provide about 460,000 Australians with a permanent and significant disability under the age of 65 with the support they need to live life.

NDIS participants would get an overall increased independence with greater participation in employment, the economy, society, and community life.

Objectives of the scheme outlined in the NDIS Act include:

Supporting the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability
Supporting the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability
Providing reasonable and necessary supports, including early intervention supports, for participants
Providing reasonable and necessary supports, including early intervention supports, for participants
Enabling people with disability to exercise choice
Enabling people with disability to exercise choice & control in the pursuit of their goals & the planning & delivery of their supports
Facilitating the development of a nationally consistent  approach to the access to, and the planning and funding of, supports for people with disability
Facilitating the development of a nationally consistent
approach to the access to, and the planning and funding of,
supports for people with disability
Promoting the provision of high quality and innovative  supports to people with disability
Promoting the provision of high quality and innovative
supports to people with disability

Talk to the experts!

If you would like more information..

1800 316 994

What are NDIS capacity building supports?

  • Capacity building supports are those that help you to maintain your independence and build your skills.
  • They are in addition to Core Supports, which ensure you are able to perform daily living tasks. Using fitness as an example, a Core Support might be customizing a fitness regime for you while capacity Bulding support team will help you build a self train module for fitness and educate you enough on the health road map.
  • There are nine Capacity Building support categories. You won’t automatically receive funding for all nine, instead funding for these will be based on your NDIS plan goals.

So, if one of your goals is to be more active in your community, you might receive Capacity Building support in the form of learning skills to manage your behaviour, or having a support worker attend social activities with you until you are confident and have the skills to attend on your own.

Capacity building supports are broken down into 9 subcategories:

Coordination of Supports
Improved Living Arrangements
Increased Social and Community Participation
Finding and Keeping a Job
Improved Relationships
Improved Health and Wellbeing
Improved Daily Living
Improved Life Choices
Improved Learning

Coordination of Supports

These support services allow you to develop and strengthen your ability to connect with informal, mainstream and funded supports. This will enable you to get the most out of your NDIS plan by teaching you the skills necessary to maintain relationships with your support service providers, and to make sure the services are being delivered as promised. If there are any issues with service delivery, you will have support to resolve these.

Coordination of supports is broken down into three further sub-categories:

Support connection
Support coordination
Specialist support coordination